At the rather advanced age of 73 I find myself testing my creative talents by writing posts for my bearbones blog site.  The subject matter of these posts is likely to be disparate: whatever takes my fancy at the time.  The posts are likely to be quite lengthy and hopefully will read well and provoke some comments.

I am not interested in telling you whether I jumped out of bed, fell out of bed or just got out of bed.  I don’t see why you should care that I have lost 10 kgs on my fairly straightforward diet but am quite capable of putting some of it back on in one day by eating two or more cinnamon and raisin croissants (yum).  May be I should write about Sex in the ‘70s rather than Sex in the City?

If you have an issue which is bothering you but don’t have a blog site or don’t want to post something specific on it, by all means share your ideas with me.  If they strike a chord I will do my best to produce something of interest.  The main idea is for me to have fun and for you to share in that fun.  I hope it works.