
We are in trouble in South Africa. As an immigrant who was not living here during the height of apartheid, I feel free to speak my mind.

The country has been growing steadily more corrupt ever since Mandela became President in the early 1990s. While he was indeed a notable figure for peace and stability, he was not an effective economist which is hardly surprising. The successive leaders have done nothing more than generate a realm of never ending corruption, aggravated in particular by Zuma and his Indian cronies.

Although Ramaphosa is apparently trying to reorder politics and behavior, he is hamstrung by so-called colleagues whose sole objective seems to be to line their own pockets.

The country does not have to replace the ANC as the governing party. It does, however, need to shed itself of all those whose priorities are so misplaced and govern fearlessly, bringing in ministers and managers drawn from the population as a whole.

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