JC, the truth

The Truth about JC

We might remember that THAT JC was Jewish. He rebelled against the Pharisees and paid the ultimate price. No one ever accused him of being untrue to his beliefs.

Today’s JC clearly does not have the courage to say what lies behind some, much, of what lies behind the accusation of his Anti-Semitism.

Let’s look behind his too often ill- judged remarks and behaviour. So what follows may be regarded as well- judged interpretation of the truth.

Today’s JC is fundamentally a virulent left wing socialist who thinks that he is doing his party a favour by demonstrating his support for the ‘underdog’ in the form of the Palestinians: hence leading to his not very well disguised Anti-Semitism..

JC is envious of success and resents money. He is unwilling to admit the truth and what is the consequence? The consequence is a growing, relentless attack on his credibility. The price he is paying is the fracture of his party at a time when intelligent cohesion is critical. What a price to pay for wriggling like a trapped snake!


Is there a future peace?

I wonder if anyone has accurately calculated  the costs of the past 10, 20, 30 years, more, of the conflicts in the Middle East? Not just Israel and the Palestinians. What about Egypt,  Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey?

This speculative appraisal focuses exclusively on Israel and the Palestinians, egged on by Hamas whose existence seems to work to no one’s advantage including their own.

Stephen Covey wrote: start with the end in mind. The end does not, must not be the destruction of Israel whose population has given more to the world in its 70 years than any other nation of almost any size has given in centuries.

But there must be a sympathetic and attractive solution for the Palestinians. One might wonder what the outcome might have been if the indigenous (at the time) Arabs had bought into the creation of Israel in the 1940s. If both Semitic groups had been able to live and work side by side. Perhaps if the other Arab nations had encouraged them to do so, the Middle East would have developed very differently.

To me the end should include the establishment of an enclave in Jerusalem roughly equivalent to Vatican City in Rome but with the exceptional difference that this enclave would embrace many, sometimes conflicting religions . The management of the enclave would require the most complex and free thinking diplomatic and unbiased skills. (Ca n’existe pas,peutetre?)

Plus the resettlement of 1 million plus Arabs on their former land in what is now Israel. Plus the creation of a North African Côte d’Azur stretching from Tunisia through Egypt through Israel through Lebanon generating an economic goldmine, initially supported by funding from the US, from Europe and, above all, from the likes of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Sure, this is a dream, probably a pipe dream but: start with the end in mind.

Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf!

What should we make of Trump’s hostility to the Iranian nuclear deal while the Europeans feel the deal should continue as is, while the Iranians adopt a threatening pose?

I’ve never liked the deal as I suspected Obama of being a bit of a pussycat and the Iranian Government  as fundamentally devious and untrustworthy. Certainly a big bad wolf.

If the Iranians’ behaviour since the deal was signed is a reliable basis of their unreliability: (Syria and Gaza are good examples), then why should anyone trust their motives at all? Add in Israel’s findings about Iran’s continued nuclear ambitions, if credible, it’s hardly surprising that there is serious scepticism about Iran’s intentions.

Attitudes are bound to be influenced by impressions of Obama and Trump. Impossible not to take Obama as genuine, even if often naive. Easy not to take Trump seriously, indeed to regard him as a buffoon. Still, every now and then Trump seems to hit the mark, rather like blind man’s buff. Best not to assume that he’s a complete idiot!

Oh Carole

We love Sky’s newsy programme ‘The Pledge’ BUT we do expect to be watching/listening to 5 human beings who are smart and articulate, sometimes amusing, sometimes very serious but NEVER unable to restrain themselves, ALWAYS able to share communication, NEVER making a habit of talking over and under and round all the other panelists.

There is one regular contributor whom we would be very happy to see the back of and never to see the front of or the side of or hear the voice of!
Please, goodbye to Carole…NOW


Donald, get back with the other ducks!

Donald T

You must control your quacking. I get the impression that you think it would be safer for Brits to roam the streets of Raqqa instead of Leicester Square. Are you sure you should visit the UK in July? Do you plan to carry a gun in your bill?

Of course, you were speaking at the NRA Conference. I always thought that the R referred to a hunting rifle, appropriately registered and licensed to an appropriate individual; not hand guns liberally available to any Tom, Dick or Harry.

What do I misunderstand? But it’s true, I was never taught to quack and am not used to tweeting? Are you a man or a mouse or one of the allegedly feathered friends?

Iran’s Antics

We start with a problem. Many people don’t like Mr Netanyahu; many don’t trust him. These ‘facts’ negate the credibility of his very thorough presentation as to why and how Iran has lied.

There is, however, another side to this coin. It relates to Iran’s everyday antics which embrace: Hezbollah; Hamas; Assad; cozying up to Putin. What a merry band of villains and terrorists.

Not that anyone would have asked my opinion but I would never have endorsed the Iranian denuclearisation on the terms which were agreed. A complete failure to recognise the truth  about the Iranian psyche.

Never smile at a crocodile!


A  Russian biologist to Putin: why spend the money on novichok when we can achieve the same objective very cheaply by using caterpillars?

We’ve been breeding them for some time and we’ve discovered that in their primal state they are harmful enough. Recently we’ve been injecting them with a toxic ingredient which, if coming into human contact, can be lethal.

One question, Mr President: we’d like to identify these caterpillars by name. Would you approve the name putipillar?

Alfie Evans

Alessandra and I are troubled by our reaction to the time, energy, funds and emotional stress expended on poor little Alfie Evans. I guess it’s fortunate that he had no idea what has been going on during the many weeks until all medical support was withdrawn and he died.

We happen to believe in euthanasia. It is perhaps ironic that many of those voices raised in support of trying to save Alfie would be quite ready to recommend euthanasia for the old and dying to give them a painless exit from a life with no real meaning.

Being at the end of the road is much easier to deal with unemotionally but the fact is that Alfie Evans had arrived there before he’d got past the very beginning.

It must be true that the medical profession is not without fault. Who is? Who wants to be? But the extensive, accumulated, very expensive treatment and analysis in Alfie’s case was, frankly, not money well spent.

There are many, many people who complain about the shortcomings of the National Health Service. There is a shortage of funds so please let’s not waste the precious resources on hopeless cases.

And don’t forget the trauma which the hospital staff suffered at the hands and voices of possibly well-intentioned but certainly ill-informed members of the public. Shame on them and, even, shame on Alfie’s parents who refused to accept reality.

Ken Livingstone

How could I have forgotten this dreadful man! Not only an extreme left-winger but also virulently anti-Semitic.

I recall the early days of my move from London to Johannesburg in 1989. We were invited to join a fascinating internal expedition which included meeting some of the then most prominent politicians including  Mangosuthu Buthelezi and Bantu Holomisa. Plus a visit to a (then) important goldmine. You should see the tripe being scrubbed-tripe, talk about listening to that smirking Livingstone waffling on.

The highlight of that tour was probably the investment conference sponsored by the stockbrokers, Frankel Pollack. The keynote speaker was the communist, Joe Slovo. He gave such a witty and informative speech that he undoubtedly wooed his audience. A really clever man.

No one could suggest that Red Ken was/is a clever man. More like a slithering, sharp-tongued, evil and dangerous Labour supporter.

But do you think that the Honourable Jeremy Corbyn who professes a positive view about Judaism will have the courage to expel the less than honourable Livingstone from the Labour Party? As Buddy Holly sang: ‘That’ll  be the Day’.

Diane Abbott

I don’t suppose the Beatles had Diane Abbott in mind when they wrote ‘when I’m 64’. That happens to be her age now so a brief extract from the lyrics seems appropriate:

“Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I’m 64?”

I wish someone would feed her…to the hyenas. Lions are far too good for her, only scavengers will do. Of course, there’s always Jeremy.