‘Fact or Fiction

I am in Wuhan market, shopping for the family dinner, and more. My God, nothing like a few exotica to rouse the tastebuds! Let’s see: we’ve not had anything wild for the past month. Yum! I see snake (commonplace); bat (boring); deer (too expensive and our refrigerator is on the blink).

Ooh, look. Pangolin, haven’t had that in a while. Wonder if it’s fresh as there are some nasty rumours going round about a virus. Let me check: are you sure? Just came in this morning. Great, I’ll take two.

One week later, I’m back in the market. Where’s that butcher? What do you mean, he’s vanished? In hospital? Died two days ago! Everyone here looks scared! You’re telling me that all was not well with those Pangolin. You know, it’s strange but I’ve been feeling feverish for the past two days. My wife the same. Which hospital?

We went. She died. And now? Help!! But I know who caused this: it’s that (let me. see) Donald..we call him ‘duck’ but I don’t think that’s his name. I’m cold, my throat is dry. This cough. Help!!

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