SWOT analysis

COVID-19 requires all of us to revisit our lifestyles, a true personal SWOT analysis.

Let’s say that the Strength is hopefully one’s health. That must come first as, without good health, nothing matters.

Weakness is not paying attention to today’s reality. None of us is immune and, what’s more, we mustn’t assume that we are above and beyond exposure. (Read Edgar Allan Poe’s masterly short story ‘Masque of the Red Death’)

Opportunities. The most difficult time to spot opportunities is when they seem to be invisible! But let’s seek and we will find because when COVID-19 is brought under  control, then the opportunities will have been and gone. So keep your eyes open and your ears alert!

Threats: life and death have grabbed us round the throat. It’s as if there is a bottomless pit drawing us in with no escape. But some countries may already be past the peak. We will all be cleansed in due course. I promise.

Meanwhile…we’ve cancelled our cruise from Venice to Venice and I fear that our month in the country near Lake Como , time with the family, so it’s quiet: time to do the replanting our lives as I suggest above.

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